by Jadean Moon Swenson
In 1926, a little girl was born on a cotton farm in Central Texas. Her family called her “Deanie” and watched her grow into a bright little girl with a magical touch for all the animals of the farm and the woods.
Today, Deanie is a grandmother, and she loves to tell stories of her childhood to her two small grandsons. Now she has put her tales into print so other children can enjoy them as Will and Zach do.
Here is a picture of what life was like in the country during the hard days of the Depression; but Deanie had no sense of being poor. Her life was full of adventure and enjoyment as she played with her dog, Scobo, built a dollhouse, played jacks, won a declamation contest in the first grade, and was baptized in the river.
Wonderfully illustrated with watercolors and drawings by Paul Hudgins, the book will take other grandmothers back to their childhood as well as entertaining young people who haven’t known where eggs come from, cows get milked, or how to make ice cream in a hand-turned freezer.
5 ½ x 8 ½, paper, viii, 72 pp ISBN 0-934955-48-4 Order from author 2100 Trinity Waco, TX 76710 ph (254) 772-3984