by Karen Roth
This novel tells a wonderful story of a teenage orphan boy in the Czech district of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1934. Joe Vesely has had a turbulent and at times violent existence in his fourteen years, but suddenly he becomes a member of his late mother’s estranged family and a whole new life opens up for him. How he learns to adjust to the new life is a fascinating and moving story of the way he learns to handle the war within himself and find his place in the loving new-found family.
The book’s editor said, “I found myself blotting frequent tears as I followed the development of this young man and saw how a profound faith in God reached him through his uncle’s ministering and dedication.”
6 x 9, pb, viii, 312 pages ISBN 0-934955-67-0 Look for this title at your local bookstore or contact author at: email: (210) 264-7773