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In his usual artful way, Professor Igo has retrieved a bit of San Antonio history. Stringtown, An Elegy tells the story of a hamlet on the northern outskirts of town in the first half of the 20th century. His hand-drawn map on the back cover shows the placement of the twelve houses that formed Stringtown. There was no church, no central meeting place, no honorary mayor, and the regular visits of the Watkins pharmacy and sundries vendor were a vital part of their lifestyle.

In this nostalgic view of the past, the life of Stringtown is described with humor and yearning -- a time long-gone but nice to remember . . . or read about.


In Stringtown Redux, the inimitable John Igo has produced an addendum to his Stringtown, An Elegy with further anecdotes about the long-gone settlement north of San Antonio. He calls this "raw material in random order."

*     *     *

See John Igo's other books on our current list: Karagoz, Stet, and Tropic of Gemini.

Stringtown, An Elegy

6 x 9 , paper, 16 pages

ISBN 9780934955-92-8

Stringtown Redux

6 x 9, paper, 32 pages

ISBN-13 9780934955-93-5

Order from author at:

5331 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.,

San Antonio, TX 78229




By James J. Jacks



The first Jacks to immigrate to America, Jone Jacks, came as an indentured servent in about 1667. The author of this book has traced his lineage through the centuries since, providing an overview of his family and of our country's growth.

This book is a model of how to research and construct a family history. Surely his succeeding generations will be delighted with the results.

6 x 9, hardbound, viii, 190 pages

ISBN 9780934966-86-7

Order from Amazon.com



James Burke Morrison, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Dr. Morrison's title comes from a quote of David Crockett, and it is a principle the doctor has applied to his life, both his medical career and his personal relationships. He writes, "I decided long ago that I would be myself, instead of a political person in medicine."

Born in Center, in East Texas, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and the UT Medical School at Galveston, and interned at the University of Iowa.  Caught in the draft, he found himself in Korea making parachute jumps with a regimental combat team. He has recently retired after a long medical career in San Antonio.

His book tells of his family, but also includes a section of letters, both sent and received, which have been of amusement or significance in his life.


6 x 9, paper, 166 pages

ISBN 978-0-934955-85-0


Dr J.B. Morrison

502 Sheraton Drive

Terrell Hills, TX 78209

Not for Sale


growing up in Texas during the Depression

Paul Hudgins


This charming book of reminiscences is a record of the author's boyhood in Texas and his Army service in World War II.  A commercial artist, illustrator, book designer, and sometime writer, he has now made a book of his recollections, with hand-printed text to accompany the drawings. His career has taken him east and west and all over Texas, but he retired from the family ranch at Snyder in West Texas, and now lives beside Lake Dallas near Denton.

12 x 9, paper, 40 pages
ISBN 9780-934955-84-3
Not for sale




Helen Barnett Kyse

This book originated from the author’s deep desire to lead people to God, to assist them in achieving their highest potential, and to encourage them to work for the good of all. The text engages the reader in a simple, conversational dialogue, with the intent of leading to a full realization of the tremendous power invested in the mind when allied with God’s will.

For over forty years, Helen Barnett Kyse has conducted classes in Biblical spirituality and presented numerous inspirational talks and programs in San Antonio and beyond.

6 x 9 paper, xii, 247 pages
ISBN 9780934955829

$20 + $3.50 s/h

Order from:

Barbara Kyse
105 Cobblestone Ct.
San Antonio TX 78213





Barbara Barkhurst Bir


For forty years, the Air Force Village in San Antonio has provided a retirement community for military officers and their spouses.  This series of twenty-four brief memoirs from current residents covers the whole range of the military experience, beginning with World War II, through Korea, Vietnam, and the Cold War, both from the active duty and the home-front perspectives.

Besides providing a brief history of the founding of Air Force Village I and II, this book also gives a lively overview of activities within the community.

6 x 9 paper, x, 285 pages
ISBN 9780934955812

 $20 + $3 per book s/h

Order from:  

Ms. Davis S. Hanna,

Air Force Village Corporate Office,

5100 John D. Ryan Blvd., San Antonio, TX  78245  

(210) 568-3204 for questions




Barbara Barkhurst Bir


This collection of reminiscences about World War II and its aftermath is intended as a salute to those veterans who served in that war, those who waited, and those who continue serving today. The author has collected a stellar assortment of war- and peacetime memories: recollections by nurses and chaplains and radio operators, prisoners of war, ambulance drivers and G.I. sign painters. Among these accounts of historical interest are those of an American who was a tunnel-digger on the legendary "Great Escape", a WASP pilot-trainee, one of the first-ever flight nurses, and a member of the Flying Tigers ground crew.

This volume is also lavishly illustrated with photographs for each of the 21 people interviewed.


6 x 9 paper, xii, 358 pages
ISBN 9780934955-768

$20.00 + $3.50 s/h

Order from the author:

Barbara Bir

2711 Day Creek Rd.

San Antonio, Texas, 78251





THE FIRST 50 YEARS 1959 to 2009

Bartlett Cocke Jr.

Some of the largest and most noted buildings in San Antonio and the surrounding area built in the last fifty years have been the production of Bartlett Cocke, Jr.  Office buildings, hospitals, schools, churches - he has done it all. He started with porch enclosures  with the occasional assistance of a carpenter and soon was bidding on residences and office remodelings.

His book is a record of steady growth and perseverance. From an initial capital of $4,000, the company's net worth in 2009 exceeded $21,000,000. He officially retired from the company in 2000 but his name remains on the masthead, and in this book he tells how it got there.

6 x 9 cloth, viii, 76 pages
ISBN 13-9780934955-78-2

For private distribution only




John A. Mangos, M.D., editor

The young physician who chooses a career on the faculty of a medical school faces challenges in learning faculty administrative procedures and finding the routes to academic development in the institution where he or she works. This manual contains chapters by eleven professionals with guidance for the new faculty member. Dr. Mangos places special emphasis on the value of finding a mentor, whether the route is to academic research or teaching.

While specific reference is to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, the principles described are applicable to all such institutions.

6 x 9, paper, 232 pages

ISBN 9790934955-79-8




Translated by John Igo


This new assortment of poems translated by Professor Igo is now available for his fans, admirers and students.

See also, below, his other collections; STET, and Tropic of Gemini: Early Love Poems. He offers these volumes not for sale, but free for the asking. (Please include  $1.50 each for shipping and handling)

Original sculpture pictured on the rear cover of KARAGOZ is by Philip John Evett.

5½ x 8½, paper, 54 pages

ISBN 9780934955-80-5

Order from author at:

5331 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.,

San Antonio, TX 78229





by John Igo


This collection of 52 poems by Professor Igo will delight his many friends and admirers. Most have appeared singly in various publications, including his twelve published books, but some are new.

See also, below, his collection titled Tropic of Gemini: Early Love Poems. He offers it not for sale, but free for the asking. (Please include  $1.50 for shipping and handling)

Cover calligraphy is by the late Harry R. Geron.

5½ x 8½, paper, 59 pages

ISBN 9780934955-75-1

Order from author at:

5331 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.,

San Antonio, TX 78229




TROPIC OF GEMINI: Early Love Poems

by John Igo


John Igo is one of the literary treasures of San Antonio. A longtime professor in the English Department of San Antonio College, he has taught thousands of students how to read - and especially how to write. His own publications include poetry and drama, literary criticism and essays. Since retirement from SAC, he has continued teaching classes in literature at Incarnate Word's continuing education series. The San Antonio Public Library has named a new branch for him, and he is collaborating on a projected history of San Antonio Theatres, to be published online.

This new small volume contains some 52 poems, written during the last twenty years, and some previously published in slightly different forms. He offers it not for sale, but free for the asking. (Please include $1.50 for shipping and handling).  

5½ x 8½, paper, 52 pages
ISBN 0-934955-73-5
Order from author at:
John Igo,

5331 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78229







Practical Ways to Succeed Based on
the Real Life Experiences as a
Principal and Superintendent

by Roland C. Haun, Ed.D.


In this brief memoir and summary of his professional career, Dr. Haun gives the reader the benefit of his experience in the many levels of school administration he has lived. Beginning with his “Success Formula”, he explains how best to get along with school boards, staff members, and parents, giving specific examples and describing the strategies he has found most effective.

Besides his administrative expertise on the elementary and high school levels, he has taught school administration classes at Eastern Kentucky University. He had a parallel career in the Army Reserve, in his last two assignments being commandant of U.S. Army Reserve Schools, and retiring as a colonel after 34 years.

See also his earlier book, Hints in School Administration, below.

6 x 9, cloth, xii, 186 pages
ISBN 978-0-934955-77-5

$20.00 plus s/h
Order from author at:

872 Nacke Pike
Cecilia, KY 42724





by Gilbert Wright III

The author was a young law school student in Texas when World War II began and he joined the Army Air Corps in January 1942 and became a pilot. He joined “Project X” not knowing that this entailed flying C-46's to supply the Flying Tigers and their Chinese support troops in China — “flying the Hump”, as it was called. And it was one of the most dangerous assignments he could have found; during the three years of operation, more than 600 aircraft and nearly 1000 aircrew were lost on the 500 mile route.

After the war, Wright became a lawyer with Forest Oil Company in Corpus Christi and San Antonio. In 1993 he bowed to the request of his family and wrote this memoir of his adventures in the Burma-India theatre, and it is now reproduced for the benefit of friends and family.

5½ x 8½, paper, x, 94 pages, with photographs and illustrations
ISBN 978-0-934955-74-4
$14.95 with s/h and sales tax
Order from

H. Wright

210 Castano,

San Antonio, TX 78209






The Story of Harry Chauncey Chamberlin at  Windsor Ranch

by Alice Calkins Geron


The story of the Chamberlin family is typical of the period in Texas history when immigrants from the East were flooding into the new state as farmers, entrepreneurs, and exploiters to take advantage of its rapid expansion and development. The five siblings from Vermont came, one by one, between 1840 and 1882 and settled in the central part of the state. In Belton, lawyer David Tolles Chamberlin established the first bank in Central Texas and later was one of the men who built the Suspension Bridge in Waco.

R.M. Chamberlin spent twenty years in San Francisco and the Napa Valley before moving to Waco to become one of the first land developers in the area. Don joined his brother in Belton and enlisted in a Texas Ranger company to chase Indians in Coryell, Lampasas, and Hamilton counties. Frances married a Baylor professor and established a private academy in Waco. Harvey was a lawyer and farmer in Belton, Waco, and finally in San Angelo.

Alice Geron has traced the family roots from England to Vermont to Texas, then concentrated on the early life of her grandfather, Harry Chauncey Chamberlin, and the establishment of his Windsor Ranch on the Middle Bosque River near Crawford in McLennanCounty.

8 ½ x 11, paper, x, 188 pages, with photographs, maps, and genealogical tables
ISBN 13: 978-0-934955-70-6
$35 including s/h and sales tax
Order from Geron & Associates at:

Watercress Press
111 Grotto Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78216





A MAN OF WORKS: The Life of

James Porter Hollers, 1899-1976

by Bill Ryan Baker


Jim Hollers, born in the Texas Panhandle, developed an illustrious career not only as a dentist but also as a brigadier general in the U S Air Force Reserve, as president of the Texas and the American Dental Associations, and in numerous civic organizations in San Antonio. While president of the San Antonio School District Board, he pushed through the program which built Alamo Stadium, and asa trustee of the San Antonio Medical Foundation he was instrumental in locating a new medical school for the city and then a dental school, and served on the Texas Coordinating Board of Colleges and Universities.

The politics of the city and the state were rough and tumble, and Jim Hollers was a powerful force for the good of the people. In this book, with a foreword by Dr. Claude Nabers, Bill Ryan Baker shows his love of history with meticulous research and detail as he tells the story of this remarkable man.

Published under the auspices of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, copies are presented to new dentists as they graduate from the UTHSCSA Dental School.

6 x 9, paper, xviii, 206
For information, contact
UTHSCSA Office of Continuing Dental Education
7703 Floyd Curl Drive MSC-7930
San Antonio , TX 78229-3900
email: smile@uthscsa.edu







Innovation and Style in Texas' Oldest Historic District

by Roy R. Pachecano


This is the story of three prominent South Texas players in real estate in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries. The characters profiled are true-life individuals who shaped the skyline of San Antonio: Atlee B. Ayres, Joseph Madison Nix and his wife Birdie Lanier Nix. This fledgling architect and the Nix partners set milestones in the development of the city and left a permanent imprint from the old King William District to the modern South Texas Medical Center.  

The architect/author's restoration of the twin Nix houses as certified green historic residences involved delving into the social, economic, and political histories of these houses in the state's oldest historic district. The effort to maintain the integrity of design and material of the original structures while observing modern standards of environmental honesty and energy conservation was a challenge which Pachecano met with flying colors. The many illustrations show the processes from start to finish.  

6 x 9, cloth with slipcase, 152 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-934955-71-3







A Memoir by John Igo



As a child, John Igo enjoyed the natural splendors of Charco Martinez - a primordial swamp on his grandfather's land north of San Antonio.

Today the charco has been absorbed by developers who built houses there during a drouth. When the rains came, houses began tosink and fences to lean. A branch library has been built about 500 feet from the northwest corner of the area. Will the books stay on the shelves? John, who still lives next door to his grandfather's house, has written a nostalgic word picture of what he knew so well and lost forever, as houses usurped the charco. A poet, playwright, and longtime professor of English at San Antonio College, the author writes prose like poetry as he mourns the flora and fauna, the sights and sounds that have been swept away.  

6 x 8, paper, 24 pages, $4.95
ISBN 0-934955-58-1
Order from author at:

John Igo

12505 Woller Road,

San Antonio, TX 78249 
(210) 696-1639








Practical Ways to Succeed in Maintaining Your Employment, For Both the Beginner and the Experienced

 by Roland C. Haun, Ed.D.




Dr. Haun has been principal of elementary and high schools in Kentucky, and was a superintendent for nineteen years in two districts of that state. He served as president of his state administrators association and in 1994 he was president of the American Association of School Administrators. He retired as executive secretary of the Kentucky Association of School Superintendents and now teaches school administration classes at Eastern Kentucky University .

His varied experiences in the field have led to the accumulated wisdom of the chapters in this book. In a down-to-earth personaltone, he provides help to the new administrator under the four sections of Community Relations Tools, Time Management Tools, Administrative Tools, and Motivational Tools. The goal is to guide potential great leaders along the rock-strewn path of growth as they gain the experience necessary to become a good administrator.

6 x 9, pb, x, 100 pages

ISBN 0-934955-69-7 and 978-0-934955-69-0

$11.00 plus s/h

Order from author at:

872 Nacke Pike

Cecilia, KY 42724






How I Learned to Love Government
and Hate Politics in Ten Intriguing Years

by Marcy Meffert


After 20 years as a military wife, mother of five, and community volunteer, Marcy Meffert retired from full-time homemaking in 1974 to begin a new career - first as a free-lance writer and editor, then in 1994 in what she calls the ultimate volunteer job of serving on the Leon Valley, Texas, City Council. She served four years as a councilmember and six as mayor and currently writes a column for the San Antonio Express News.

On behalf of her city she was active on regional and state levels in leadership positions, including chairman of the Greater Bexar County Council of Cities, chairman of the Alamo Area Council of Governments, and president of the Texas Municipal League Region 7.  In 2004, she retired from public service to write this book, which she hopes will encourage more people to get seriouslyinvolved in government as candidates, election workers, and/or at the very least, as voters. She writes with an inimitable sense of humor and shows the human side of politics at the grassroots level.

6 x 9, pb, viii, 182 pages  
ISBN 0-934955-68-9
Order from author at:

P. O. Box 680262, Leon Valley TX 78268
$15.00 including tax and s/h






by Karen Roth


This novel tells a wonderful story of a teenage orphan boy in the Czech district of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1934. Joe Vesely has had a turbulent and at times violent  existence in his fourteen years, but suddenly he becomes a member of his late mother's estranged family and a whole new life opens up for him. How he learns to adjust to the new life is a fascinating and moving story of the way he learns to handle the war within himself and find his place in the loving new-found family.

The book's editor said, "I found myself blotting frequent tears as I followed the development of this young man and saw how a profound faith in God reached him through his uncle's ministering and dedication."

6 x 9, pb, viii, 312 pages
ISBN 0-934955-67-0
Look for this title at your local bookstore or contact author at:
email: Karen@Karenrothbooks.com
(210) 264-7773






Memoirs of John H. Crichton


The long and successful life of John Crichton began in Minden, Louisiana, in 1920, the descendent of an affluent family in a smalltown where all the barefooted kids enjoyed the same happy semi-rural existence. World War II altered his course as he joined the army and became an infantry officer, a company commander, 155th Infantry, and an Intelligence Officer in the 6th Army, before being assigned as aide-de-camp to General Walter Krueger in the South Pacific.

Discharged with the rank of major at war's end, he earned a law degree at LSU, then began a progression in the business world which brought him wealth and successes in corporate management from coast to coast. Finally he has settled in San Antonio, where he and his wife, Flo Cameron Crichton, enjoy a well-earned retirement and the pleasure of watching the growth of their progeny. His "life of grace" has been full of instances of the special providence which seems to hover over him.

His book has been produced in limited editions in paperback and in cloth and slipcase. Neither is for sale.

6 x 9, paper and slipcase, xii, 124 pp





A Portrait of the South in the 1930s and 1940s

by Clyde W. Pulley


This is Clyde Pulley's third book on his native South and issues of race and color. A retired military man, prison official, and professor of criminal justice and sociology, he has now written the story of his father, a Black tobacco farmer and carpenter who endured the years of segregation and abuse, disrespect and violence which were the conditions below the Mason-Dixon line during the Depression years. The brutality his father endured is set against the deep friendship between his family and that of their White neighbors.

The story tends to destroy many stereotypes that portrayed all Blacks as poor, ignorant, and impoverished and Whites as violent bigots and oppressors. Discrimination and violence against Blacks are dealt with forthrightly, but the influence and acts of many compassionate Whites bridged the two worlds. Pulley's introduction states, "This book is not an effort to defend the South duringits violent, turbulent history of the Jim Crow era. Instead, it tries to give a fairer, accurate, objective and balanced portrayal of real people, their lives and events in the 1930s and 1940s."

6 x 9, pb, x, 102 pages
ISBN 13:978-0-934955-65-2
Order from author at:

111 Meadow Trail Drive
San Antonio, TX 78227-1638





and Educational Considerations for Parents and Educators

by Maximiano Pastrana, LPC, LMFT, LSOTP


From the Preface:

"Mr. Pastrana with his many years of experience working with very challenging clients, to include perpetrators as well as victims, together with his compassion and belief in the goodness of humanity provides us with a provocative and necessary literary work. I congratulate him for having the courage to go beyond the simple understanding of a profoundly complex issue.

Mr. Pastrana helps us to understand that the abuser, as well as the victim, suffers and needs help. What is more profound than this? Perhaps even the abuser or potential abuser who reads this book will benefit and engage in the ever-possible road of development and change."

- Raymond Fuentes, Doctor of Psychology and Clinical Psychologist

6 x 9, pb, 212 pages
ISBN 0-934955-61-1
Order from: Family Service Association
702 San Pedro, San Antonio TX 78212 or

(210) 299-2405



Third printing



by Victor Rodriguez, Ph.D.


"This is about the bell ringer, a young kid who for years jogged two miles from his home in Edna to ring the St. Agnes Catholic Church bell at 5 a.m. It's about a boy who used that early morning rise and long run to teach himself discipline while rounding into condition for future greatness. It's about a small town country boy who found fame in big cities as he climbed countless ladders to success. It's about an athlete who became a coach and earned many awards and at least a dozen trophies. It's about an educator who earned more degrees than you'll find in an old stove. This then is about an old friend, Dr. Victor Rodriguez, who retired in 1994 as superintendent of the San Antonio School District."
- Dan Cook, sports journalist extraordinaire.

"Victor is the epitome of a great Christian educator and this book will bless and challenge you!"
- Buckner Fanning, retired minister of Trinity Baptist Church, San Antonio

6 x 9, cloth with dustjacket; viii, 216 pages
ISBN 0934955-63-8
Look for this title at your local bookstore or call:
The Twig Book Shop
5005 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209
1-800-729-8944 or (210) 826-6411





Published by the Scurry County Historical Commission

Edited by Aline Parks


The town of Snyder in West Texas presents this survey of their historic buildings as "a step back in time."  There are photographs of fifteen houses - the oldest built in 1883 - and a hotel and movie theatres.  Separate chapters tell the stories of these structures and of the people who built them, and in so-doing give a picture of life in the early days of the settlement of West Texas.

A map shows the location of the buildings, and material from the annals of the local newspaper add historical details.  Design and drawings are by Paul Hudgins.

6 x 9, pb, xii, 122 pages
ISBN 0-934955-64-6
Order from:
Scurry County Historical Commission
2610 36th Street
Snyder, Texas 79549





Introducing the Episcopal Church and Anglicanism in America

by Chuck Collins


"This lively and enlivening introduction to real Anglicanism speaks loud and clear to those who want to be serious with the Bible and its God. It is a forthright recall to the things that really matter." - J. I. Packer

The Reverend Canon Chuck Collins is rector of Christ Episcopal Church in San Antonio, Texas.  His book is named in reference to Thomas Cranmer, the first Archbishop of Canterbury in the newly formed Church of England, "my reluctant hero . . . remembered here for his courage to question the hallowed traditions of his day and follow the leading of his reformed heart."

With discussion questions appended to each chapter, the book is an excellent text for new members of the Episcopal Church, and serves also to help older members "who have forgotten the strength of our heritage."

6 x 9, pb, viii, 102 pages      
ISBN 978-0-934955-62-1
Order from:
Christ Church
510 Belknap
San Antonio, TX 78212
(210) 736-3132





"Golf, Tennis, and other Innocent Sports"

by Carol S. Canty


To celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding, the San Antonio Country Club undertook to compile its history, and found amongits own members an expert researcher and writer to plumb the files for facts and gather photographs from members. 

SACC was one of the first country clubs organized in Texas, and played a major role in the development of golf and tennis in the early twentieth century, both locally and at the state level. The Club has weathered fire, wars, the Depression, and recessions, and its membership rolls through the decades list the names of many of the "first families" of the city - those who have quietly kept the Alamo City going and growing from then to now.

A big beautiful book chock full of photos, the strong emphasis on sports shows the club's origins, and the extensive color picture section covers everything from early buildings and golf groups to recent parties and the extended and devoted staff who run today's institution.

8 ½ x 11, cloth, x, 180 pages, endpapers
ISBN 0-934955-60-3

Order from:
San Antonio Country Club
4100 North New Braunfels Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78209-6394





Family Stories of Race, Religion
and Romance in an East Texas Town

by Fred McKenzie 


Following his earlier volume on Avinger, Texas (see listing below), Mr. McKenzie here continues the story of the area where he arrived in 1919 as a baby and still lives today

The early communities of Youngs Chapel and Hickory Hill later merged to become Avinger, and no one knows more about that town than Fred McKenzie.  His second volume is packed with photographs, maps, and documents as was the first one, but he has also added 62  genealogical charts of the pioneer families of Avinger. He has produced the kind of town history which tells it all - the folks who settled the area, their background, their businesses, and their progeny, and the relationships and connections that developed among them. Anyone who grew up in a small town in America will see their own childhood reflected in the story of Hickory Hill.

8-3/4 x 11, cloth, dust jacket, xii, 468 pp, endpapers
ISBN 0-934955-56-5
Order from author at:
Fred McKenzie's Bayou Books, 
210 W. Austin St., Jefferson, Texas






by Fred McKenzie


The author moved to Avinger at the age of four months, and has become its historian and chronicler. The small town is in Cass County, northwest of Jefferson in East Texas.  McKenzie first published his two volumes of regional history in 1988, this first volume covering the town of Avinger and the second about the village of Hickory Hill. He now issues an updated fourth edition of Volume I, and plans to reissue Volume II in the near future.

A big handsome book packed with photos and drawings, it has been called "an exemplary history of an East Texas town" in the "East Texas Historical Association Journal." "It reads like a William Faulkner novel or a Mark Twain story more than a conventional local history," says reviewer Dr. Ralph Wood. McKenzie is a semi-retired real estate broker, turned book merchant, who at the age of 85 still enjoys flying his Cessna 150.

8-3/4 x 11, cloth, dust jacket, viii, 316 pp, endpapers
ISBN 0-934955-53-0
Order from author at:
Fred McKenzie, Avinger, Texas 75630






Commentary and illustration by Paul Hudgins


This engaging booklet was prepared for Paul's grandchildren, but we persuaded him to expand the printing to a limited edition of 100 numbered copies. 

The story was one his father told of a cattle drive in 1904 - possibly the last big cattle drive of the Old West. His father was five years old when his own grandfather took him on a cowpony a mile or so from home to see the trail herd gathered from small ranches around Post in West Texas on the "high plains" - ready to set out for the railhead at Colorado City.

Recording the story as his father wrote it for him, Paul has added a word picture of the time and place, and fine drawings of the chuck wagon, the cattle, cowboy gear, the Hudgins home in Snyder, and the faces of his grandfathers, his father, and himself. In thirty pages, this is a story of West Texas as it was a hundred years ago.

8 x 5-7/8, paper, 30 pages
ISBN 0-934955-57-3
Order from author at:

Paul Hudgins, PO Box 986, Lake Dallas, TX 75065





Volume One: His Life and Times

by Mary Lewis Turner


This biography of Julius Splittgerber, written by his great-granddaughter, provides fresh insight into existing accounts of both the mid-nineteenth century German colonization endeavor in Texas and the subsequent role of these German settlers during the Civil War and Reconstruction years.

Splittgerber, a Prussian army officer, came to Texas in 1845 as a messenger for Prince Carl Solms Braunfels, and served the Verein in the capacity of courier until its demise in 1853. He became a U.S. citizen in 1851 and resided in Fredericksburg from 1845 to 1876, spending the last twenty years of his life in Menard County.

Mary Lewis Turner has also compiled a companion genealogy of the Splittgerber family which she published in 1998. Her books are well researched, and though scholarly in preparation are enjoyable reading for everyone interested in the early days of Texas and especially the Hill Country.

6 x 9, paper, xxii, 284 pp
ISBN 0-934955-49-2
Tables, 14 maps, 23 plates

Order from: Hill Country Arts Foundation, P.O. Box 1169, Ingram, TX 78025
or Menard Library, 8194 State Hwy 29, Hext, TX, 76848





A History of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 1853-2003, Seguin, Texas

by Elizabeth Erskine Hollamon


In 2003, St. Andrew's in Seguin celebrates its sesquicentennial, and Elizabeth Hollamon has written a history of its 150 years of existence. In so doing, she has traced the development of the Episcopal Church in Texas, from the first visits of missionaries to the fledgling Republic to the  thriving institutions of today. St. Andrew's began with six people in 1853, and now consists of over 500 members and covers a block and a half in downtown Seguin.

The book's 12 pages of color photos include all of the bishops, from Leonidas Polk in 1838 to Bishop James Folts, who presides over the Diocese of West Texas today. There are  21 photographs of the splendid stained-glass windows in the old and new parts of the building.  Hollamon discovered that much of the early records of this church had vanished, but as a fourth generation member herself, she had much family history and newspaper files to lean on, and has accomplished a wonderful - and entertaining - story which could serve as a prototype of how to produce readable history.

6 x 9, paper, xxvi, 102 pp
ISBN 0-934955-54-9
Order from:
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 201 Nolte Street,
Seguin, Texas, 78155  
ph: (830) 372-4330 







by Patricia Zoch Tate

This beautiful little book contains personal poems, some glad but many sad, straight from the heart.  In the Epilogue, the author says, ". . . my endless quest for truth, meaning, and God has been a wondrous journey." These poems/beads, bright and dark, tell us much about the life of Patricia Tate.

Designed and illustrated with line drawings by Paul Hudgins, the book is printed on pale blush paper and quarterbound in blue buckram with bonded leather


4-1/2 x 9, cloth, xii, 76 pp
Published in a limited edition, and not for sale





A journey of continuous improvement

by Thomas Houlihan and Judy S. Phillips


In 2000, these authors published a book called Commonsense.Com [see listing below] in which they told a "fable" about a school superintendent, a principal, and a classroom teacher receiving e-mail instruction from a mentor which enabled them to improve their job performance. In their new book, Houlihan and Phillips use the setting of a whitewater rafting trip to give further instruction using an Aligned Management System. With the Garth Brooks song "The River" as inspiration, the lessons of the raft trip are applied to the processes of school teaching and administration in a lucid and exciting manner. 

Dr. Houlihan is Executive Director of the Council of Chief State School Officers in  Washington, D.C., and Judy Phillips is CEO of the North Carolina Partnership for Excellence which was established in 1997 to help transform education in the state.  

5-1/2 x 8-1/2, paper, xii, 124
ISBN 0-934955-52-2
Order from:

Partnership for Excellence

405 Commons Walk Circle,
Cary, NC 27519

ph: (919) 469-8390



Revised edition 2003


Real answers for real educators from
an unlikely source

by Thomas Houlihan and Judy S. Phillips


The authors, both professional educators, tell us this book is about hope. They call their story a fable - but it could happen. If a school superintendent, a principal, and a classroom teacher should all receive an email message one evening from a mysterious person directing them to a website called "CommonSense.com", this story is what might follow. The three are soon in daily contactwith their "mentor" and with each other about ways to do their jobs better, to teach the students, handle administration, deal with their publics - and make their own careers more successful and satisfying.

The North Carolina Partnership for Excellence, of which Houlihan is President/CEO and Phillips is Vice President, was established in 1997 to help transform education in the state. The principles being used are the basis for this fable.

5-1/2 x 8-1/2, paper, xii, 116
ISBN 0-934955-41-7
Order from:

Partnership for Excellence

405 Commons Walk Circle,
Cary, NC 27519

ph: (919) 469-8390



Fourth printing


3.6 YEARS OF HELL In Japanese Prisoner of War Camps, 1942-1945

by Joseph D. Lajzer


The story of the suffering of U.S. troops at the hands of the Japanese on the Bataan Death March in 1942 has been too soon forgotten by the American people for whom their sacrifice was made. Joe Lajzer, one of the survivors of this terrible experience, endured near starvation, hard labor, and torture as a prisoner in the Philippines and then on Formosa until his rescue in 1945. At age87, he is one of the dwindling number of men who still live to tell us what it was like, and remind us of what it means to be free.

Joe has spoken to schoolchildren and other groups and finds that too many people today have no idea of where Bataan is or what happened there in 1942. With the help of Alfred Evans and Raul Solis, he has put before us a story we should never forget. Of the many illustrations in the book, the photos of Joe before and after his imprisonment are startling evidence of what he endured.

5-1/2 x 8-1/2, paper, xvi, 120 pp.
ISBN 0-934955-50-6
Order from author at:
9000 Floyd Curl Dr., San Antonio, TX 78240



My Diary as a POW Airman in WWII

by Carl R. Carlson


The author enlisted in the Army Air Corps after Pearl Harbor, and was soon in England as waist gunner on a B-17, on bombing runs over occupied France and German. On his 25th mission, his plane, "Return Ticket", was shot down in France, and he spent the next year as a POW in German Stalags.

This is a story of hunger, misery, and homesickness, all of it recorded by Carlson inside cigarette package covers which he obtained from the Red Cross. For a farm boy from Central Texas, spending his 22nd birthday behind barbed wire was the worst experience of his life.

Their prison camp on the Baltic Sea was liberated by the Russians on May 1, 1945, but it was June 12 before Carlson boarded a ship at Le Havre and late July before he was released from a Norfolk hospital and headed home to Texas.

His story is a telling description of what war is like, and a vivid story of the courage of young Americans who went to battle, endured, and survived.

6 x 9, paper, xvi, 140
ISBN 0-934955-45-X
Order from author at:

or 6 Clermont Court, San Antonio, TX 78218



A Tribute to a Father's Generation

by George Gaytan


This fascinating book about the USS Walker honors the typical, ordinary men who became extraordinary heroes during World War II. A must-read for anyone interested in our nation's history. Brig .Gen. David Lee "Tex" Hill, of the "Flying Tigers."

The late Jesse Gaytan was a 20-year-old quartermaster on the USS Walker in the South Pacific in 1943-45, seeing action throughout the area, and facing attack from Jap subs, surface ships, and Kamikazes. After his death in December 1994, his son George began to research the history of the Walker and its survivors. As he found his father's shipmates, he obtained interviews and photographs, and has put them together into this remarkable story of a US Navy destroyer and its crew in combat.

George Gaytan is a well-known and accomplished classical guitarist, performing throughout Texas, and is on the music faculty at a private prep school in San Antonio, Texas.

6 x 9, paper, xiv, 132, over 85 illustrations
ISBN 0-934955-46-8
For ordering information, see his website at
or email him at georgetan1@earthlink.net



A Sequel

by Mario Marcel Salas


The author first became acquainted with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein when his mother read the story to him on his tenth birthday. For years he was captivated by the tale and his interest grew even more when he studied the classic as an undergraduate student. This sequel to the Frankenstein story is an ambitious attempt to recapture the soul of one of the greatest literary tales of sorrow ever told.

Mr. Salas holds a Masters in Education, an Associate in Applied Science in Engineering, and an Associate in Arts, as well as an Honorary Doctorate from Guadalupe College. He has served as a member of the City Council of San Antonio, Texas, and taught in the San Antonio School District.

6 x 9, paper, xii, 220
ISBN 0-934955-42-5
or order from Amazon.com



A few million words about
the adventures of running a private school

by Elizabeth Hollamon


For a quarter of a century, the author was headmistress of Trinity Episcopal School in Galveston, Texas, then spent a year as the only female head of Texas Military Institute in San Antonio. One of her concurrent duties was writing a monthly column for The Texas Churchman, which she titled the "Hickory Stick." "Most of the time in the early years it really was about schools," the author said, "but then as I got older and some of my insulation wore thin it became more and more a vehicle for my monthly temper tantrum. Nobody seemed to mind. The fan mail kept coming."

The fan mail will keep on coming with the publication of this collection of her choice essays. Her sense of humor will delight the reader, and the occasional serious articles are wonderful food for thought, especially on the state of education today.

This edition is no longer for sale.

5-1/2 x 8-1/2, paper, x, 230 pages




by Brooke Negley


Brooke is the mother of three daughters and the guardian of dogs, cats, and various other creatures who cross her path. Born in Washington, D.C., brought up in San Antonio, she was educated in Switzerland and worked in London before returning to her true roots in Texas.

In The World By The Tail, the author takes us on a disarmingly witty and poignant journey, from the moment a small Jack Russell terrier named Jane comes into it--from a movie set on the moors of Devon, to the village of Gstaad in the Swiss Alps, and the vast landscapes of her home in Texas, while picking up several more dogs along the way. Across the pages troop her boundlessly energetic mother, Nancy Holmes; a malapropian brother, Pete; and Dick Negley, a square-jawed, dyed-in-the-wool Texan, whom the author marries. It's a story of irresistible dogs and great characters whose lives are woven together--and all the better for it.

6 x 9, paper, x, 243 pages
ISBN 0-934955-38-7
Order from:
Brooke Negley, ph: (210) 653-6936



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